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August 2024
When life throws us curve balls, our hounds are often thrown into turmoil as well. 6 year old Irish Wolfhound cross George’s owners had a change in circumstances which unfortunately meant that his day-to-day life and routine changed significantly. He was struggling with the changes, going from a settled environment to one in which he felt insecure, anxious, and unable to cope, resulting in reactivity and separation anxiety.
He needed a home with experienced owners, who would be able to provide him with stability, attention, and a predictable routine. After two months of speaking to and investigating various options, which for a variety of reasons were not ideal from a timing or circumstances perspective, the perfect home was finalised. On the long weekend in August, George was collected in Cape Town and brought to his forever home in Johannesburg. He coped well with the long journey and has settled in beautifully with his new Labrador and Italian Greyhound brothers. He is thriving, and finding his confidence again.
Thank you as always to Dawn Barnard for working tirelessly on behalf of this boy, and to all the families who were willing to consider opening their hearts and homes to George. Most of all, thank you to our Club members – without your continued support these success stories would not be possible!
Results 2024 Championship Show
Irish Wolfhound of the Year & Irish Wolfhound Showdog of the Year – 2023
NewsIn 2023 the Club introduced a new award, the Irish Wolfhound Showdog of the Year.
Irish Wolfhound of the Year is awarded for points won in KUSA Breed and Speciality shows up to and including Best of Breed according to the ruling Club point system.
The Irish Wolfhound Showdog of the Year is awarded for Group and Best in Show points won in any calendar year using the ruling KUSA system. (more…)