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It is essential to train a wolfhound puppy because:

  • The puppy is going to grow into a large, powerful animal that is likely to be stronger than you are. You must be able to control it so that it is not a danger to humans and other dogs.
  • Dogs are pack-animals and the owner is a member of the pack. Within the pack there is a strict pecking-order and through training the puppy learns that the owner is the pack leader.
  • Although the puppy learns socialisation while with their litter-mates (one reason not to take them home too soon) training brings the puppy into contact with a variety of strangers and reinforces socialization skills. A well-socialized hound makes benching at shows and ring-work much less stressful on dog and handler.

For the above reasons it is best to sign up to group training led by a professional trainer. The breeder, your vet or other hound owners can usually suggest an appropriate trainer; or you can contact the IWC.

Show training teaches different skills (to the handler as much as the dog!) than basic training and professional trainers also offer show-training. The IWC often offers brief, refresher, handling workshops prior to Open and Championship shows.

Training can be frustrating for the new owner:

Liquor Training

Now clicker training’s quite the fad.

Results from some are not too bad.

The concept stemmed from Pavlov’s hound

Responding to some special sound.


The dog would start to salivate

Before he got the food he ate.

The modern click does much the same.

Enhancing our dog training game


By causing Fido’s hopes to raise–

Anticipating treats or praise.

Sometimes you click to no avail,

And other methods also fail.


No matter how you plead or shout,

Sometimes the dog just won’t put out

When asked to sit or heel or stay,

Thus giving you a rotten day.


It makes you feel quite like a fool,

And then you start to lose your cool.

But if your methods fail for you.

There’s something else that you can do.


Try “liquor training”, that’s its name,

To help you with your dog sport game.

“How does this method work?” you ask

Well, first you get a little flask


Containing gin or other booze

Of any kind that you may choose.

Each time your dog decides to goof,

You take a sip of 80 proof.


It helps the handler to relax

And minimize the stress attacks.

When handler’s mood is more at ease,

The dog may sometimes try to please,


Or, then again may still refuse

To mind his training P’s and Q’s.

But whether foul results or fair

You liquor train — you just don’t care.


Author Unknown