
become a member

Membership in the Irish Wolfhound Club of Gauteng comes with many benefits:

  • You will help advance and protect this wonderful breed
  • You get the chance to meet fellow “Wolfie” owners and enthusiasts
  • You and your hound can participate in national and regional show events
  • You will learn a lot about training and maintaining wolfhounds
  • The IWC publishes an occasional E-magazine, Cu Clan News, that is distributed to members via email 

Our various events include grooming and training seminars, fun days, group walks, pub nights, as well as national and regional shows.

How to join

It’s easy to join (or renew your membership) online by filling out the online membership form. If you have any questions please contact Julia Scott on

Member Application | Member Renewal

New members pay an annual fee of R200/ person or R250 for the whole family. Both costs include a once-off R50 entry fee.

Annual membership renewal is R150/ person or R200/ family.

An additional R20 processing fee is charged for cash bank deposits. EFTs are preferred but please include your name as a reference.

The club tries to keep membership fees to a minimum and these don’t cover the cost of running the annual shows. Donations are gratefully received.

If you prefer to complete the form offline, you can print it, fill it out manually, then scan and email to

Member Application Form | Member Renewal Form

A very big THANK YOU to those current members who have made donations both large and small. Please read the Rescue Stories to see the good your donations do.